Australia’s plumbing services sector provides plumbing installation, maintenance, and repair services for fittings and fixtures that are used in the processes of waste capture, treatment, and distribution
Having a relevant qualification is one of the primary requirements for your license application. If, however, you are not qualified or do not have current qualification don’t stress we will be able to get you qualified using your formal experience in the industry (T&C apply) known as RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) process provided by one of our partnered RTOs
Once you are qualified we will sit with you to check your current and formal work experience (skills) in the industry. For building and any specialist works it is mandatory that you have minimum work experience along with formal qualification. We will walk you through the whole process as to how you can collect work evidences and collate them together in a portfolio
There are many other documents involved in applying for the trade license; for example, insurance (if applicable), past trade history, past license history, criminal records (if any), etc. We, at Educube, absolutely make sure that each of the stages are rigorously checked and verified prior to the final stage of the application
In this stage you are absolutely ready to lodge your application with relevant authority (NSW, VIC, ACT, SA, WA, NT, TAS) and remember each state could be different from other when it comes to lodging an application whether in electronic, by post or in person format. We will advise you the best way possible prior to lodging your trade license application
About The Plumbing Licence
As part of the building and construction business, Australia’s plumbing services sector provides plumbing installation, maintenance, and repair services for fittings and fixtures that are used in the processes of waste capture, treatment, and distribution. For the majority of small-scale contracting businesses that constitute it, the sector is strictly regulated to guarantee quality compliance with industry-related norms and construction standards.
A plumber’s jobs include but are not limited to:
- Studying blueprints, drawings, and specifications to determine the layout of plumbing systems and materials required.
- Installing hot and cold-water systems and associated equipment.
- Installing gas appliances, flues and pressure regulating devices.
- Installing, commissioning, maintaining, and testing plumbing and drainage services in all classes of buildings and premises, including but not limited to, the following:
- compressed air, heating, steam, vacuum or ventilation systems
- irrigation
- metal fascias and gutters
- on-site domestic waste water management systems
- roof and wall cladding
- skylights
- fire hydrants, with or without pumps
- fire hose reels, with or without pumps
- Installation of fire collars that is incidental to work mentioned above.
- Prepare plans and specifications for plumbing and drainage work that are:
- for the licensee’s personal use, or
- for use in plumbing and drainage work to be performed by the licensee personally
- Incidental work of another class.
Why You Need Plumbing Licence?
Plumbers are required to be registered and licensed in most states and territories in Australia in order to work on gasfitting, drainage, or plumbing projects. It is only when a person has demonstrated adequate abilities, knowledge and experience that a license is issued. Because of this, only licensed gasfitters and plumbers are allowed to work on these kinds of systems.
How To Apply
Gasfitting, drainage, and plumbing work must be performed by a plumber who is registered and licenced in most states and territories. While most states and territories do not share the same processes, there are several that do.
In order to obtain the most up-to-date information, please contact the licensing authority of your state. RTO or licencing bodies are not part of Educube Pty Ltd’s scope of operations
Apply for Your Trade License
Ready to start your journey to becoming a licensed tradesperson? We have compiled a list of step-by-step instructions for you to follow that will help you understand the process. The first step to achieving your licence is to provide relevant experience. Acquiring a nationally recognised qualification through an RTO is the first step to a rewarding career. We’re excited to let you know that we will get you licensed, you will find success.
The criteria for obtaining a license vary based on the state or territory in which you wish to work and the trade for which you wish to be licensed. For further information, please complete the GET IN TOUCH form or phone 79012454 and ask for one of our advisors.
Apply for Your Trade LicenseWhich Is The Best Licensing Location For You?
Depending on the place where you want to conduct your business, you need to get a license for that specific State or Territory
Most frequent questions and answers