BSB50215 – Diploma of Business
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  • Description of the Qualification

    This qualification would apply to individuals with various job titles including executive officers, program consultants and program coordinators. Individuals in these roles may possess substantial experience in a range of settings, but seek to further develop their skills across a wide range of business functions.

    Conversely, it may also apply to those with little or no vocational experience, but who possess sound theoretical business skills and knowledge that they would like to develop in order to create further educational and employment opportunities.

  • Entry Requirements

    There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

  • Packaging Rules

    Total number of units = 8

    This qualification has no core units.

    8 elective units must be selected, of which:

    -6 of the elective units must be selected from the units listed below, with no more than 3 units selected from any one group

    -2 elective units may be selected from elective units listed below, from the BSB Business Services Training Package, or from any current accredited course or endorsed Training Package at this qualification level or Certificate IV or Advanced Diploma level.

    Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the integrity of the AQF alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.

    Elective Units

    Group A

    BSBADV503 Coordinate advertising research

    BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

    BSBADV509 Create mass print media advertisements

    BSBADV510 Create mass electronic media advertisements

    BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication plan

    BSBWRT501 Write persuasive copy

    Group B

    BSBADM502 Manage meetings

    BSBADM503 Plan and manage conferences

    BSBADM504 Plan and implement administrative systems

    BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

    BSBEBU511 Develop and implement an e-business strategy

    BSBFIM502 Manage payroll

    BSBITB511 Establish and maintain a network of digital devices

    BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

    Group C

    BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

    BSBHRM502 Manage human resources management information systems

    BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning

    BSBHRM505 Manage remuneration and employee benefits

    BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes

    BSBHRM507 Manage separation or termination

    BSBHRM509 Manage rehabilitation or return-to-work programs

    BSBHRM510 Manage mediation processes

    BSBLED502 Manage programs that promote personal effectiveness

    BSBXDB501 Support staff members with disability in the workplace

    BSBXDB502 Adapt organisations to enhance accessibility for people with disability

    Group D

    BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities

    BSBMKG502 Establish and adjust the marketing mix

    BSBMKG506 Plan market research

    BSBMKG507 Interpret market trends and developments

    BSBMKG508 Plan direct marketing activities

    BSBMKG509 Implement and monitor direct marketing activities

    BSBMKG510 Plan e-marketing communications

    BSBMKG514 Implement and monitor marketing activities

    BSBMKG515 Conduct a marketing audit

    BSBPUB501 Manage the public relations publication process

    BSBPUB502 Develop and manage complex public relations campaigns

    BSBPUB503 Manage fundraising and sponsorship activities

    BSBPUB504 Develop and implement crisis management plans

    Group E

    BSBCON601 Develop and maintain business continuity plans

    BSBINM501 Manage an information or knowledge management system

    BSBINN501 Establish systems that support innovation

    BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment

    BSBIPR501 Manage intellectual property to protect and grow business

    BSBMGT403 Implement continuous improvement

    BSBPMG522 Undertake project work

    BSBRSK501 Manage risk

    BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

    BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

    BSBXBD501 Develop big data strategy


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